Create an Online Ad

How to advertise on Articles, this course will walk you through creating and setting up an online ad for your business.

Profile photo of a user
In order to complete this course you must have an account with Articles Media. You can create an Ad and leave it as a draft but if you wish to run an ad on the platform you will need a valid debit/credit card as well.
Navigate to Click the Create Ad button at the top of the page Use the tabs at the top to navigate different settings of your ad and fill out the information. As you fill out this information, you can use the ad preview on the side of the screen (if you are on mobile, you will see a floating ad preview button to open the preview) to see how your ad will look to viewers. Content - The general details of your ad. Styles - This tab controls how your ad looks. You can set your logo, header, and custom colors to match your company's branding. Promos - Attach any promos you wish to offer to viewers. Promos offer a way to entice users to check out your business. Metrics - View any data associated with your ad once it is approved. Here is where you can find ad views and any website or detail click events. Files - A collection of files associated with your ad.

If your ad is age sensitive make sure you fill out the options section accordingly. Improper use of this will result in your ad being declined.


Once your ad is filled out and complete you are ready to submit. Submissions normally take 1 to 3 business days and will be launched as soon as they are approved. If we have any feedback about your ad we will be in touch.