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Open-minded, and collaborative political policy development. Help restore the vision of the American Dream. Share your thoughts and opinions on how we can compromise on the nations greatest struggles.

How you can help fix the mess today!

There are many ways to participate on our platform.


Interact on proposals made by Articles Media and other users that aim to solve problems in our nation.


Everyone gets one sentiment per proposal, voice whether you disagree, agree, or think a proposal needs more work.


Comment as much as you wish as long as it stays on topic. Reply to others sentiments or comments.


Piggyback another users sentiment if you like what they said and want to amplify it.


Upvote and downvote sentiments/comments if you want. Top sentiments and comments are accessible to view here


Help keep our community clean, welcoming, and productive. Report content that violates our rules. Get credit for reports that result in takedowns!

It Can Be Better

There are more options then just red and blue, and you can be apart of it.

Politics Online

It is hard to have a productive conversation without the right tools, leading to many fights.

For The People

With the help of everyone's input we can make the country a better place.

Things SUCK right now

It should be no surprise to anyone. But there are simple fundamental things that can be changed in order to guarantee the well being of every American.

Protest without dying!

Sad to say but many Americans leave peaceful protest with injuries due to police brutality. People have gone blind and people have died, there has to be a better way!

Tomorrow is just a dream away

Election cycles are only 4 years at most, with strategic planning it would not take a lot to phase out bad actors and those that exist only because a different political party is worse.


We have proposals on a variety of topics that are stripped down to the absolute necessities, no hidden agenda. A lot of bills in todays senate are filled with so much extra stipulations that end up dividing the country. Proposals aim to knock these issues out one at a time, with the help of user input we can refine these proposals to something that a good majority agree with.

Fundamental Proposals

Fundamentals are proposals that are more or less non negotiable but still open to modification based on sentiment. Some proposals are just not worth dividing over. Advisors have to agree with fundamentals, unlike a normal proposal such as Pardon Edward Snowden or Increased NASA Funding which Articles supports. We need to be clear on which proposals are worth dividing over. Proposals like Ranked-choice voting and Abortion Rights Restoration should be held to a different severity. If a fundamental proposal loses support via sentiment, or a normal proposal has solid agreement among users across all political parties, then it's fundamental status will be reevaluated. The idea is there is we should not spread the focus of attention too thin.

Other Official Proposals

We have proposals on a variety of topics that are stripped down to the absolute necessities, no hidden agenda. A lot of bills in todays senate are filled with so much extra stipulations that end up dividing the country. Proposals aim to knock these issues out one at a time, with the help of user input we can refine these proposals to something that a good majority agree with.

User Submitted Proposals

Users can also choose to submit proposals themselves and the community can give sentiments, create polls, and comment until enough feedback is given where advisors choose to move it to the main set to then receive feedback again. Those that submit proposals will be credited and remain as an editor for the proposal.
US National Debt
Last Amendment
Proposed 09/25/1789
Ratified 05/07/1992

No law, varying the compensation for the services of the Senators and Representatives, shall take effect, until an election of representatives shall have intervened.

Recently Passed Bills
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