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Knocker uppers, or knocker-ups, were responsible for waking people up by making loud noises before electronic alarm clocks existed. People in the 1800s would hire these individuals to shoot peas at their windows or tap on the glass using a long pole to wake them up.
In ancient Greece, bematists measured their steps to calculate distances. They often published their calculations in books, which listed distances between well-known points and reports of empirical customs and natural findings.
A leech collector was responsible for retrieving the blood-sucking worms from their natural habitat for doctors to use. Individuals with this job used the legs of animals or their own legs to lure leeches from creeks and rivers.
Before reliable freezing and refrigeration existed, ice cutters collected surface ice from rivers and lakes to sell. To cut through the ice, they often used hand saws or horse-drawn devices.
A telegraphist, also called a telegraph operator, was responsible for sending and receiving Morse code using telegraph equipment to communicate by radio and landlines. A telegraphist was one of the first technological occupations of the modern era, but as telegraphs became obsolete, so the role disappeared.