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Experimental news/political social media platform for all. We are working to make America a better place for the people through avenues of transparency, news, and politics. Help restore the vision of the American Dream. Share your thoughts and opinions on how we can compromise on the nations greatest struggles.

If you prefer to watch an intro video explaining some of the basics of Articles Media we have one available below.

Intro Video
20+ Other Videos!
Wide range of videos that cover all the features of the site available at our YouTube page or Portfolio page.
YouTube VideosPortfolio Videos

With the help of input from Americans, as well as political and industry experts, we aim to construct nonpartisan bills that would restore the economic, social, cultural, civil and political rights that have been striped away or never given to us Americans. We aim to campaign on the fundamental proposals listed in our politics section and recruit those who agree at local/state and federal levels to put an end to the current system of Democrats and Republicans that objectively failed our country by taking to long to act. Politicians that are Democrats and Republicans can run as an Articles Supporter as long as they agree with the Fundamental Proposals that Articles has defined. In order to achieve these goals we engage in transparency and news as well. Read on to learn more about our transparency and news efforts or skip to the politics section.


At Articles, everything is transparent from day one. Donations, sales, ad-revenue, payroll, cost of operations, you name it, all available live over at our Reports page.

Money corrupts many organizations and leaders so we want to make sure the same does not happen to us, transparency is also one of the most ethical things a company involved in politics can do if done right. Many other companies do this yes, but to acquire this data proves very challenging and can be hard. That data is also sometimes missing bits and pieces as well as delayed to onlookers.

Every transaction we process will appear live, just bought a shirt from us? Head over to the reports page and there you will see that purchase as well as the amount of money sitting in our accounts. Whenever we need to take money from that account say for events, resupplying products, or anything really, those transactions show up there too. Each expense of ours includes a explanation on why we spent that money along with a system for supporters to ask more questions about the transaction and flag it if they do not agree with it.

If you prefer to watch a video going over the transparency pages and how it works then we offer one below from our YouTube channel.

Transparency Preview Video
To expand on the Reports page a little more we have broken down everything into Revenue and Expenses along with hot-links into popular sub pages. In real time you can look at our bank balance and everything that includes. Supporters that have signed up with Articles can see this data live and at times of increase traffic people who are not supporters (users who signed up) may receive delayed results. In the event of severe increased traffic or DDOS attacks this data may be delayed for all users but we will do our best to mitigate these issues.

Explore data about Articles in a visual way, here we have almost all the charts we use behind the scenes available to the public.

Balance History
Loading chart, may take a few seconds

How much we currently have in the bank.

Revenue vs Expenses
Loading chart, may take a few seconds

How much we are spending a month compared to how much we are making.

The employees page lists off all of our employees as well details about them including pay and contributions to the platform.

Note from ArticlesJoey

At this moment I am the only employee but short term plans include hiring more people to assist with the platform. It is my goal to bring on more web-developers and authors as soon as possible.

The code page gives transparent insights into the code that makes up the platform. Powered by the GitHub API, view code and commits from our projects in a controlled way. It is our goal to eventually make everything fully open source.


Current news providers are falling out of touch with the average American. They keep providing content and coverage not in the interest of the American people, it is time for something to be done. We are developing interactive and dynamic articles that make news easier to navigate. Source based and trackable issues are a great focus and a huge part of Articles.

A huge majority of American publishing is owned by just 6 companies, all of which give political donations to our government. Take a look at the image below

If you prefer to watch a video going over the news pages then we offer one below from our YouTube channel.

News Preview Video

Stories is the place where we put our more general news and current events. Stories are not subscribable but you can choose to be alerted when edits and updates to one are made.

Issues are news you can subscribe to directly. Issues are for events that receive updates to them that need attention. Think about ongoing issues like the Keystone XL Pipeline and Global Warming which are both issues you can subscribe to today!

Myths are where users can go to clear up confusion on common misconceptions. This area is home to questions like "Do electric car batteries pollute more than gasoline cars?" and "Do windmills actually cause cancer?". We provide sources and data on all the topics we cover here so users can leave educated and confident, not being fooled by rumors that travel the nations web.

We offer resources to provide factual, well-organized information on important topics that shape our world. Whether it's historical events, political structures, economic issues, or scientific knowledge, these materials help combat misinformation and promote a deeper understanding of key subjects.

Here’s a list of our resources.

See local news from your local area. Submit news that may be helpful to others around you.

See news headlines from all the other publishers while staying here on Articles. If you find a headline interesting then you can click on it to go to that publisher and continue reading.


Neutral, open-minded, and collaborative political policy development. Help restore the vision of the American Dream. Share your thoughts and opinions on how we can compromise on the nations greatest struggles.

If you prefer to watch a video going over the politics pages and how proposals work then we offer one below from our YouTube channel.

Politics Preview Video

Proposals is a place we talk about some of the changes we feel should happen in the political landscape of the country and the facts and details behind our conclusions. All are welcome to contribute and voice their thoughts on proposals so we can shape it into what this country wants and needs.

Advisors help shape our proposals and platform just like our users, advisors include members from various industries and political organizations that have experience and a proven track record of wanting to advance the country and solve issues. Advisors sentiment can be viewed inside of proposals and commented on by users.

Just like the average American is dissatisfied with today political landscape, many of the business owners of America are as well. From small businesses to Fortune 500 there is a disconnect between what Americans want and what is being delivered. In industries where politics is heavily involved or action is needed we reach out to business owners and partners to voice what they think and possibly include them as Advisors because the voice of industry leaders is just as important as politicians. To refrain from naming anyone alive, think people like Steve Jobs, Alexander Graham Bell for industry and Benjamin Franklin, Abraham Lincoln for Politicians.

Note from ArticlesJoey

At this moment I am the only advisor but actively trying to fill more spots with industry and political experts that support solving the fundamental proposals.

There is the main set of political proposals but all of our verified members can also submit and receive feedback on political proposals. If a user political proposal gets a lot of agreement we will review it and possibly add it to the main set or come out with a statement on it.


Layouts are home to user profiles and other pages that our users can make for the communities they have or follow. A Layout can be customized in millions of ways to match your needs and have features like posts/comment systems, WYSIWYG editors, contact forms, and much more. Layouts have features that are similar to those offered by other social media sites and the customization power of sites like WordPress, Tumblr, and MySpace. Layouts can even be turned into there own standalone websites where you build your own website using the editor and host it on your own domain.

If you want to watch a video going over our Layouts page then here is an overview video from our YouTube channel.

Layouts Preview Video


Get involved with Articles and be apart of the community. We offer a variety of different features to bring together our community and to increase engagement on our site.

If you prefer to watch a video going over the community pages we offer one below from our YouTube channel.

Community Preview Video

Weekly updates about what is going on. Broken into general and development updates.

Every week we put out a general update and a development update. General goes over the platform and progress we are making. Development updates give a sneak peak into what is happening in the backend as well as features in development that may be coming soon, this is more technical and mainly for developers and authors.

Vote on ideas and proposals to shape the future of Articles Media!

Users can vote on ideas we have for the platform. Some of these include polls for investing in stocks or crypto.

A place to share thoughts and ideas with us.

Talk with other members and be more directly involved with employees. You can also provide suggestions and feedback on the site as well as submit bugs you may find.

During live events watch, interact, and share input with us

Come here during live events to participate in chat and polls related to the event.

What is next for Articles and where we are taking it.

Play games with friends or other users right on Articles.

Why games? Games serve as a good way to drive traffic back to the site as well as being another source for ads to be viewed. All of our games are also open source so anyone can contribute to make them better, or download to teach themselves or view how things work.

If you want to watch a video going over our games then here is an overview video from our YouTube channel.

Games Preview Video

Answers to common questions about our platform.

Reach out to us about any questions or comments.

Listings of what we need help with at this time. Align with our mission? We're eager to connect with you!

Projects and people that have helped.

Contribute or download assets that can be used by the community

Online courses taught by our approved supporters, covering various topics including aspects related to our platform.

If you want to watch a video going over our education page then here is an overview video from our YouTube channel.

Education Preview Video

Stay up to date with info screens that display what is new.

Manage your account data and other data in the event of account inactivity or death.

Open source exercise and fitness tracking app.


We sell products in our store to help raise money and awareness. Some items available right now include pins, posters, tee-shirts, sweatshirt and hats. Some of the items in our store even include a membership that gets credited to you when you purchase to redeem or share

If you want to watch a video going over our store then here is an overview video from our YouTube channel.

Store Preview Video

Below we have the four types of items available on our store.

Originals100% Net Profit
Items available on the store made and sold by us. We receive all of the net profits from these items.
Partnerships20% - 80% Net Profit
Items available on the store that we sell in partnership with a brand or creator. Net profits of these items are split a percentage to benefit both parties. We plan to raise awareness and work with others to grow our platform with these items.
Sponsored0% - 5% Net Profit
Using our platform we plan to help smaller charities, organizations, and non-profits by providing a platform for them to sell on. Online sales and hosting can get tricky so we hope to help others focus on their mission by handing their online platforms.
Submissions0% Net Profit
User submitted content sold in our store. All net profit of sales goes to the user that submitted the design. Read more below.


Inside of our news, weather, and games pages we display ads to help fund the site. Pages that ads will never appear on include Resources and Politics pages. All ads user our own advertising network and user specific information is never shared with advertisers, all of your data stays on our servers. Anytime an ad is displayed you can click the details button to learn why the ad is being displayed to you as well as financial details related to the ad.

If you want to watch a video going over our advertising efforts then here is an overview video from our YouTube channel.

Advertising Preview Video

Users can buy a membership to unlock exclusive features and support the platform. Some of these features include...

All the information we collect on you is always available to you and explained to you thoroughly. See how we manage your data over at our legal pages. At any time if you wish to delete your account or request your data then that option is available to you in your account tab in the settings. All user data is kept on servers located in the USA.